Vibration Test System
This test system generates vibration according to the parameters such as arbitrary force, acceleration, and frequency. It can evaluate various industrial products by applying vibration load.
EMIC Electrodynamic vibration test system for evaluating industrial products against vibrations. This system consists of a vibration generator, a power amplifier, and a vibration control system. It can provide a vibration test to cope with various loads such as sine vibration, random vibration, mechanical shock pulse and replication of real-time trace.
- F Series-Standard time: Exciting force = 1300 to 60000 N
- FH Series-High velocity system: Max. Velocity= 2.0 to 2.3 m/s Large
- FV Series-Ultra High Speed system: Shock pules Duration 11ms & Level 980 m/s2 (100G)
- FT Series-Transportation test system: Most appropriate for transportation testes
- FT Series Transposition Test system: Most appropriate for transformation testes
- FC Series Large water cooled system: High exciting force = 60k and 200 kN
- FP Series Permanent Magnet System Test system: No Field Coil ultimate energy saving system
- FM Series Triaxle Electrodynamic System Test system:Multi8 Axes vibration test system max. frequency 2000Hz
Compact Vibration Generator
The compact vibration generator is used for calibration of a vibrometer, measurement of mechanical impedance, excitation source for modal analysis and reliability test of a small light specimen. In particular, EMIC uses the world’s first ceramic armature for the 512-D and 513-D vibration generator,making it possible to excite up to high frequency of 30 kHz (513-D can excite up to 24 kHz).
- Calibration of Vibrometer
- Structure Analysis & Transfer Function Measurement
- Mechanical Impedance Measurement
Combined Environmental Reliability Test System
This system can test products against complex loads by applying vibration, thermal and humidity stresses simultaneously. The test condition for industrial products shall reflect well on the field environment so that they can successfully run in violent cold or blazing hot environments. Therefore, this test system is highly necessary for them.
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